Young Life Crawfish Boil 2014


YL Club on Monday Nights - a party with a purpose. Since January 2013, Every Monday night during the school year, the main living areas of the house and the back yard are used on Monday nights for Young Life Club, which is YL's main outreach program where high school students come and have fun and hear the gospel.

YL Campaigners on Thursday Nights - a time to learn and grow. Since the fall of 2013, every Thursday night during the school year, Young Life holds Campaigners, which is a meeting for high school students to learn more about the Bible and grow in their faith through study, service and leadership.

YL Committee and Fund Raisers. One Sunday night a month, since Fall of 2012, the house has been used as our official meeting place for the Young Life Committee meetings. Young Life also uses the house as the location for fund raising events and committee parties.

YL Staff Housing. There is a completely separate upstairs apartment that was renovated as living quarters and since May of 2013, has been used as housing for the Young Life area director and his wife.

Young Life Area Office. The area director's office is located in one of the rooms of the house.


The last 8 weeks before school let out, Yellow House Project lead a discipleship based Bible study and breakfast free of charge. It was prepared by a professional chef for the boys from local high schools such as Aledo High School and Trinity Christian. The leaders of the Yellow House Project spearheaded the study and also invited other local like minded churches to participate with their guys they are actively discipling. The other leaders participating in this study are Young Life’s director and youth pastors from Christ Chapel Bible Church West, The Church at the Crossing and Aledo United Methodist.


Christ Chapel Bible Church West student ministry, Shift, uses the house on Wednesday nights for their high school small group meetings after their main gathering across the street at the Community Center.

Christ Church West student ministry, The Movement uses the house every other Tuesday evening for their main worship gathering for students.

New River - has used the house to host their college age ministry's weekly Bible study and worship time.

Other Uses - we have also used the house as a host home for  weekend discipleship retreats for students such as New River's Rev Weekend and FBC's D-now.

Aledo FCA - has used the house for their monthly meetings.